How to Change Violin Strings

How can I change my violin strings?

Fitting your new strings

Modern strings rarely break if correctly fitted to a violin in good condition. The following notes will help you to get the best life from your new strings.

  1. Uncoil strings carefully to avoid twisting or kinking. Pull the string gently through thumb and index finger to check for any irregularity.
  2. Check your bridge and top nut for sharp edges. The grooves should not be deeper than half the diameter of the string and no wider than the string.
  3. Apply graphite in the form of soft pencil lead, 2B or 3B, liberally to the grooves in bridge and top nut.
  4. It is inadvisable to use single fine tuners for the lower 3 strings. These fine tuners are designed for E strings only, the slots are too narrow for the thicker bindings and can cause premature failure. If you require 4 tuners, you can use a tailpiece with 4 integrated tuners which have wide slots designed for the lower 3 strings.
  5. Please do not use fine tuners for gut cored strings. These strings are not designed for use in fine tuners and can be damaged by them.
  6. Fit the strings referring to the illustration below.
  7. Support the strings away from the groove in the nut for as long as possible.
  8. Tune a semitone flat and wait 10 minutes or so, then pull gently up to pitch. Do not tune sharp, always tune up to the note to maintain tension.
how to change violin strings
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