Schindler’s List Violin Sheet Music. PDF, JPEG and letter notes.

schindlers list violin sheet music
schindlers list violin sheet music

Schindler’s List letter notes

la la re la re si(b) la fa la

fa sol fa sol la

la re la re do si(b) la sol

do si(b) mi sol si(b) la sol fa

sol si(b) sol si(b) la sol fa sol la

sol la sol la la sol fa mi re mi

fa sol fa sol la sol fa mi re

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Ingrid Schmidt

It’s a terrible part of our history that peoples had to go through. We have to learn from this that it will never happen again. We can always pray for those in the beyond that they too can find forgiveness for what happened so they too have have peace.
Thank you for this beautiful peace of music. I hope I can play it without getting too emotional.


This song LOL EZ IMAGINE NOT GETTING 100% on an orchestra quiz in school. Asian dad: What da hail, you don’t get 100%, you get 92, FAILURE.

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